Get our date night guide and reconnect with your man one night at a time.  DOWNLOAD NOW!

Let’s find out!
What are you
made of?

Between the Spirit and the Body, lays the Soul, which is made up of our mind, will, and emotions. We are made up of all three to various degrees. We refer to this as our “temperament”.

When we understand one another’s temperament, we’re able to communicate on a supernatural level with our friends, associates, kids, and partners.

This revelation gives us clarity into one another’s soul, allowing us to communicate and connect more effectively and more deeply.

If you’re interested in impacting your business, health, family life, and relationships through understanding others, stay tuned.

Her Story

A collection of beautiful souls, sharing stories of pain, resilience, and triumph.

These women share their life lessons to inspire others going through similar situations in areas of health, relationships, family, and career.

Build the career, family, and marriage you want!


It took losing our marriage for us to wake up and realize what needed to be done.

Fighting for your relationship takes more than living in the same house, more than co-parenting, and more than saying everything’s fine!

If you’ve made the decision to stay, do it with purpose. Learn how to communicate, listen, forgive, trust, and fall back in love!

The tools we teach impact every area of your life including your career, health, friendships, family, and love.



Date Night

What if one night could change your life?

Don’t let a busy lifestyle, kids, or money stop you from dating your man.

Get your copy of ‘date night’ and reconnect one date at a time.